HDR (Hot Dry Rock)
In chronological order

Rybach L., Pavoni N., Mueller St., (1977): The environment of basement rocks in Switzerland: Implications for possible heat extraction sites from hot dry rock. In: J.J. Mortensen (ed.): Proc. 2nd NATO-CCMS Information Meeting on Dry Hot Rock Geothermal Energy, Los Alamos (USA), 19-20.

Rybach L., Bodmer Ph., Pavoni N., Mueller St., (1978): Siting criteria for heat extraction from hot dry rocks: Application to Switzerland. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 116, 1211-1224.

Rybach L., (1992): Hot Dry Rock-Verfahren - auch für die Schweiz von Bedeutung. Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt 110/6, 103-105.

Kohl Thomas, (1992): Modellsimulation gekoppelter Vorgänge beim Wärmeentzug aus heissem Tiefengestein. Diss. Naturwiss. ETH Zürich, Nr. 9802, 149 p.

Evans K., Kohl T., Rybach L., Hopkirk R., (1992): The effects of fracture normal compliance on the long term circulation behavior of a Hot Dry Rock Reservoir: A parameter study using the new fully-coupled code "FRACTure". U.S. Geothermal Resources Council TRANSACTIONS 16, 449-556.

Kohl T., Evans K., Rybach L., Hopkirk R., (1992): Gekoppelte Vorgänge beim Wärmeentzug aus Hot Dry Rock Systemen. In: Proceedings "Geothermal Energy Symposium 1992 - Technology, Ecology, Economics", Munich (FRG), 496-503.

Kohl T., Evans K., Hopkirk R., Rybach L.,(1992): Modelling of Coupled Hydraulic, Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour in the Simulation of Hot Dry Rock Reservoir Behaviour, Proc. "Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses Conference 1992", Lake Tahoe CA, Intern. Soc. for Rock Mechanics, USA, Balkema.

Kohl T., Hopkirk R., Evans K., Rybach L., (1993): FRACTure - A new tool to simulate coupled processes in geoscience. In: Proc. Int. Conf. "Finite Elements in Fluids - New Trends and Applications", Barcelona (E) , 949-958.

Kohl T., Jung R., Hopkirk R., Rybach L., (1996): Non-linear flow transients in fractured rock masses - The 1995 injection experiment in Soultz. In: Proc. of the 21th Workshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Univ. CA, USA, 22-24 Jan. 1996, 21: 157-164.

Kohl T., Evans K., Hopkirk R., Rybach L., (1996): Modelling Non-linear flow transients in fractured rock masses. In: Proc. of the 3rd International HDR Forum, Santa Fe (USA), 13-15 Mai 1996, US Dept. of Energy, 85-86.

Evans, K., Kohl, T., Hopkirk, R. and Rybach, L., (1996): Hydraulic response of the Soultz rock mass to GPK1 injection and production tests: Analysis of individual flow zones. In: Proc. Of the 3rd International HDR Forum, Santa Fe(USA), 13 - 15 Mai 1996 , US Dept. of Energy, 87-88.

Evans, K., Kohl, Th., Hopkirk, R., Rybach, L. (1996): Studies of the nature of non-linear impedance to flow within the fractured granitic reservoir at the European Hot Dry Rock Project site at Soultz-sous-Forets, France (1993-1996). Endbericht für das Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft, Projekt 93.0010, 144pp.

Evans, K.F., Cornet, F.H., Hashida, T., Hayashi, K., Ito, K., Matsuki, K., Wallroth, T.: HDR/HWR Academic Review Group C: Stress and Rock Mechanics working paper: Proc. of the structured academic review of HDR/HWR Engineered Geothermal Systems, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan, March 14th 1997., pages C1/1-C/23 (1997).

Evans, K.F.: Soultz project: recent constributions by K.F. Evans, Bi-annual report to SOCOMINE, Soultz-sous-Forets, France, 31st January 1997.

Evans, K.F.: Soultz project: recent constributions by K.F. Evans, Bi-annual report to SOCOMINE, Soultz-sous-Forets, France, 31st August 1997.

Evans, K.F.: Comparison of GPK2 cross-sectional area logs from 1995 & 1997: Progress note to SOCOMINE, Soultz-sous-Forets, France, 14st August 1997.

Evans, K.F.: Beiträge zum Wissenschaftlichen Bericht: BBW EU Forschungsprogramme Zwischenbericht zur Projekt-Nummer 95-.0673-2, 6. Juni 1997.

Kohl, T., Evans, K.F., Hopkirk, R.J., Jung, R., Rybach, L.: Beobachtung und Simulation von nicht-laminarem Fliessverhalten am HDR-Standort Soultz, sowie Modellierung eines HDR-Wärmetauschers zur Nutzung der Erdwärme aus dem heissen Untergrund. In: Tagungsbd. Geothermische Fachtagung 1996 Konstanz, 242-247 (1997).

Kohl, T., Evans, K.F., Hopkirk, R., Rybach, L.: Coupled 3-D Simulations of Forced Fluid Flow Through Fractured Hot Rock, EGS, Annales Geophysicae III, p. C257 (1997).

Kohl, T., Evans, K., Hopkirk, R., Jung, R., Rybach, L.: Observation and simulation of non-Darcian flow transients in fractured rock. Water Resources Research vol. 33, 407-418 (1997).

Hopkirk, R., Rybach, L., Vuataz, F.-D., Häring, M.: IEA - Hot Dry Rock, Teilnahme am Geothermal Implementing Agreement 1997. Bericht zhd. Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft (1997).

Evans, K.F., Cornet, F.H., Hashida, T., Hayashi, K., Ito, K., Matsuki, K., Wallroth, T.: Review of developments in stress and rock mechanics relevant to HDR/HWR engineered geothermal systems: Stress and rock mechanics, Geothermics (in press).

Evans, K., Kohl, T., Rybach, L.: Analysis of the hydraulic behaviour of the 3.5 km deep reservoir during the 1995-1997 test series, and other contributions to the European Hot Dry Rock Project Soultz-sous-Forêts, France, Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft 01.01.-31.12.1998.

Hopkirk, R., Rybach, L., Vuataz, F.-D., Häring, M.: IEA - Hot Dry Rock, Teilnahme am Geothermal Implementing Agreement 1998, Bundesamt für Energie 01.01.-31.12.1998

Evans, K.: Soultz project: recent constributions by K. Evans, Bi-annual report to SOCOMINE, Soultz-sous-Forets, France, 30th September 1998.

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