In chronological order

Rybach L., Weber M., (1960): Ein refraktionsseismisches Profil zwischen Limmat- und Surbtal. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 53, 653-655.

Rybach L., (1962): Refraktionsseismische Untersuchungen im Raume Aare-, Limmat- und Surbtal. Beitr. Geol. Schweiz, Serie Geophysik Nr. 5 und Diss. Nr. 3315, ETH Zürich.

Jaffé F., Rybach, L., Vuataz F., (1977): Thermal springs in Switzerland and their relations to seismo-tectonic features. In: Proc. Int. Congress on Thermal Waters, Geothermal Energy and Volcanism of the Mediterranean Area, Athens, Vol. I, 275-285.

Rybach L., (1977): A szeizmikus sebesség és a hötermelés összefüggése kristályos közetekben. Magyar Geofizika 18, 219-225.

Rybach L., Buntebarth G., (1982): Relationships between the petrophysical properties density, seismic velocity, heat generation and mineralogical constitution. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 57, 367-376.

Rybach L., Buntebarth G., (1984): The variation of heat generation, density and seismic velocity with rock type in the continental lithosphere. Tectonophysics 103, 335-344.

Rybach L., (1987): A petrological model of the lower continental crust, derived from seismic velocities and from radioactive heat production. Ann. Geophysicae 5B (4), 403-408.

Rybach L., Buntebarth G., (1987): The relationship between seismic velocity and heat production - critical comments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 83, 175-177.

Deichmann N., Rybach L., (1989): Earthquakes and temperatures in the lower crust below the northern Alpine foreland of Switzerland. In: Mereu, R.F., Mueller, St., Fountain, D.M. (eds.): "Properties and Processes of the Earth's Lower Crust: Properties and Processes", American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 51, IUGG Volume 6, 197-213.

Cermák V., Bodri L., Rybach L., Buntebarth G., (1990): Relationship between seismic velocity and heat production: Comparison of two data sets and test of validity. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 99, 48-57.

Schärli U., Rybach L., (1992): Radioactive heat production of rocks and its relation to density, seismic velocity and rock type - new data. In: G. Buntebarth (Ed.): "Thermal Properties of Crustal Materials". In: Proc. 92. Seminar WE-Heraeus-Stiftung, Bad Honnef (D), 71 p.

Deichmann N. ; Pfister M. ; Rüttener E. (1993), Erdbeben in der Zentralschweiz, in: NAGRA NIB 93-35 (interner Bericht), Endlager für kurzlebige Abfälle EL-SMA, Beiträge zum Fragenkomplex Erdbeben, NAGRA Schweiz.

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